One big sustainable family

Being in an industry with potentially hazardous waste, we take our responsibility to conserving the environment very seriously.

  • Our plastic packaging is sent to specialist local plastics recyclers where it’s cleaned and made into outdoor furniture, landscape supplies and new product packaging, keeping it in circulation and out of our oceans.

  • All aluminium, foil, colour tubes, cardboard, paper, magazines, razor blades, unwanted tools and select disposables are sold for recycling, and the proceeds are donated to OzHarvest and KiwiHarvest to provide meals for hungry people. A full head of foils provides a quarter of a meal to someone in need!

  • Hair clippings are collected from the salon floor and stuffed into stockings to make Hair Booms that can one day help clean up oil spills along our coastlines! Hair is also repurposed in local community gardens for composting or used in sustainable art installations to educate the community.

  • All collected ponytails 20cm or longer are distributed to charitable organisations to create wigs for those suffering from cancer or alopecia.

  • Harzard waste is pooled and sent to chemical recycling plants where they’re neutralised and turned into recycled water used in roadworks and construction. Select disposable hygiene products used during treatments are pulled apart and the materials are sent for re purposing

For more information, please visit our partners at who make it all possible.